
Lefteris Pantazis live in Montreal

Pantazis-edLegendary Greek singer Lefteris Pantazis, accompanied by his twelve-piece band, will be performing live in Montreal at the Hellenic Community Centre Adrian Maris. What promises to be a spectacular concert on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 8pm, will benefit the HCGM schools.

Lefteris Pantazis is one of the most famous Greek singers and often referred to as “LE-PA” by media and fans alike. He was born as Eleftherios Pagkozidis on March 27, 1955 to Pontian-Greek parents in Tashkent, Uzbek, in the former USSR. His parents repatriated to Greece as refugees in the 1960s.

Pantazis is considered one of the most popular artists of the last 25 years with 27 solo and 13 compilation albums, of which 30 have been certified platinum and all 40 have hit gold. His total album sales near 4,000,000 copies.

A few years after he came to Greece as a refugee, Pantazis worked as a shoeshine boy. Singing, however, was always his passion. He grew up with the sounds of Greek music, singing since his early childhood and setting his sights on becoming a famous singer. He achieved his goal while never forgetting his roots, nor where he came from or the hardships he had endured.

He began singing professionally in the mid 70s and his first album was released in 1979. His music combines elements of traditional country folk music (λαϊκά) and modern pop. Some of his best known hits include: “Εχω τρελάνει το Θεό” and “Το Ωραιότερο Πλάσμα Του Κόσμου”.

Pantazis became increasingly popular in the 80s and did some acting for the movie industry during that decade. At the same time he also became known by the “LE-PA” nickname. In the 90s Pantazis performed at “Diogenes”, the largest, most popular nightclub in Athens, where his fans would flock to watch his spectacular performances.

In 2000, Pantazis’ song “Φιλάκια” – an adaptation of a Turkish song – was again a great success. To this day, Pantazis remains one of the most popular and admired Greek singers, and has proven to the world to be a highly successful artist in all aspects of his profession.

His discography includes:
1979 Οι μεγάλες μου επιτυχίες
1980 Αγαπιόμαστε
1981 Πάλι μόνοι
1982 Δύο λέξεις
1983 Μια ζωή ερωτευμένος
1984 Δέστε μ’ αλυσίδες την καρδιά μου
1984 Θα φύγω μόνος
1986 Σε νοσταλγώ
1987 Και μη χαθούμε, Μια βραδιά στη Φαντασία
1988 Εκείνη, Μια βραδιά στη Φαντασία 2
1989 Ταραχή, Μια βραδιά στον Πανταζή
1990 Υπάρχει κανείς;
1991 Τηλεπάθεια, Συμμετοχή με Μίμη Πλέσσα
1992 Θέλεις;, Θύμισέ μου τ’ όνομά σου, Μια βραδιά στα μπουζούκια
1993 Σαλονικιώτικο φεγγάρι, Εγώ δεν είμαι εγώ
1994 Ο παίχτης, χρυσά σουξέ
1995 Δικαίωμά μου, Live at must club
1996 Ελεύθερος, Εμπειρίες, Ο ΛΕΠΑ τραγουδάει Ζαμπέτα
1997 Έρχεται
1998 Θάλασσα, Αν μ’ αγαπάς
1999 Δε θα με δει κανείς να κλαίω
2000 Ότι καλύτερο, φιλάκια
2001 Στον έβδομο ουρανό, Ένα αστέρι στ’ αστέρια
2002 Κάτι τρέχει, Για πρώτη φορά
2003 Le cabaret
2004 1000 βανίλια
2005 Άλλος άνθρωπος, Συμμετοχή με Master Tempo
2006 Άντζελα Δημητρίου – Λευτέρης Πανταζής 72 live επιτυχίες

Tickets for the Montreal concert start at $99 and are on sale now! Call 514-738-2421, ext. 142.