
Εγγραφές στα Σχολεία Συμπληρωματικής Εκπαίδευσης της ΕΚΜΜ 2019-20

Αγαπητοί γονείς, Τα Σάββατα, 7 και 14 Σεπτεμβρίου, από τις 9:00 π.μ. έως τις 2:00 μ.μ., θα πραγματοποιηθούν οι εγγραφές σε όλα τα σχολεία και τα παραρτήματά τους, τα οποία αναφέρονται παρακάτω: Σχολείο «Πλάτων-Όμηρος» (Προνηπιαγωγείο – Νηπιαγωγείο – Δημοτικό) Μοντρεάλ (5757 Avenue Wilderton, Montreal H3S 2K8) Roxboro (κτίριο σχολείου Σωκράτης III, 11, 11e rue, Roxboro H8Y 1K6) Νότια Ακτή (κτίριο σχολείου Σωκράτης IV, 5220 Grande-Allée, St-Hubert J3Y 1A1)…


Request for Tender for Cleaning-Janitorial Services

Socrates –Démosthène Campuses and Community centers  The Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal is looking for Cleaning Services for the following locations: South Shore Community Center and Socrates IV – 5220 Grande Allée, Saint Hubert, J3Y 1A1 Socrates- III – 11, 11th Street Roxboro H8Y 1K6 Socrates V & Annexe – 931 Emerson, Laval, H7W 3Y5…


Thank You Message from the President

I cannot thank all the volunteers, employees and BOD members enough for all the tireless work they put, and all the sponsors for their generosity and support into making our Greek Summer Festival La flamme hellénique a tremendous success. Because of your best efforts, your kindness, and the extraordinary teamwork we were able to offer…


New: Town Hall Meetings

The Executive Committee on July 25, 2019, decided that starting in the Fall, there will be regular quarterly Town Hall Meetings where all Members will be invited to be briefed by the Board of Directors on decisions and issues of interest and who will take questions and exchange on such issues. There will also be…