
An update from the HCGM

The COVID-19 crisis has had a significant financial impact on businesses and organizations worldwide and the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal is no exception. As Executives of the HCGM, we must ensure its longevity so that it can continue to carry on its mission after this crisis is over. Over the past week, we had…


25η Μαρτίου: Μήνυμα της Προέδρου της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας Kατερίνας Σακελλαροπούλου προς τον απόδημο ελληνισμό

Αγαπητοί μου συμπατριώτες, Ελληνίδες και Έλληνες του εξωτερικού, Με μεγάλη χαρά απευθύνομαι σήμερα σε εσάς,  τους απόδημους Έλληνες, για πρώτη φορά από την έναρξη της θητείας μου, με αφορμή την εθνική μας επέτειο. Στις 25 Μαρτίου του 1821, οι Έλληνες επαναστάτησαν για να αποτινάξουν τον οθωμανικό ζυγό, να ανακτήσουν την πολύτιμη ελευθερία τους και να…


March 25th – Greek Independence Day: A Message from the President (Video)

Μετά την Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας, που ακολούθησε τα Ψυχοσάββατα, είχαμε προετοιμαστεί, όπως κάθε χρόνο, να γιορτάσουμε την επέτειο της 25ης Μαρτίου 1821, Ημέρα της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης των Ελλήνων εναντίον της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας. Όμως, υπακούοντας  και η ΕΚΜΜ στις κυβερνητικές διατάξεις και κυρίως για τη ασφάλεια όλων μας από την πανδημία του κορονοϊού, ακύρωσε όλες τις…


HCGM Greek Independence Day Celebrations…ONLINE!

March 25, 2020, is the 199th anniversary of the Greek War of Independence in 1821, which coincides with our Greek Orthodox Church’s celebration of the Annunciation of the Theotokos. In any other year, children would be preparing for their school shows and the parade and we might be planning to go to church. Unfortunately, due…


An Important Message from Dr. Christos Karatzios

March 14, 2020 The Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal and École Socrates-Démosthène have had an effective pandemic plan in place for quite some time. There has been a ready and operational pandemic plan since the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. This has been way ahead of many other schools in Quebec. I helped create the initial…


All March 25th Celebrations Are Cancelled

The Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal would like to inform you that it is following the evolution of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) with various public health agencies very closely. Our goal is that all our employees, volunteers, students, members and their families remain healthy, enabling us to continue to offer our services to the greatest extent possible…


We Stand With Greece!

Over the last week, our motherland, Greece, has been the target of an unparalleled threat. Thousands of people, under the guise of refugees, are attempting to illegally enter Greece across its borders with Turkey. Rather than deterring them, Turkey provides help and guidance as to how to cross. For more than 5 years, Turkey has…