
A Message from the President – July 2015

Dear friends, We are very pleased to inform you that the Administration of our Community is steadily reaching its goals.  Our dreams for the future of the Community are becoming reality.  The HCGM staff and volunteers work tirelessly, all year long, for the preservation of Hellenism and the future of our children. After years of…


The long-awaited Agreement

The long-awaited Agreement between the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal (HCGM) and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (Canada) was finally signed by His Eminence Metropolitan Sotirios and HCGM President Nicholas Pagonis. The signing of this agreement puts an end to the 600$ payment directly to the Metropolis for holy sacraments to be held in…


Children First. We Can.

Dear Friends, On behalf of members of the Children First – We Can team, we would like to invite you to save the date for what will be a wonderful inaugural fundraising event this coming September, benefitting two great causes: L’École Socrates-Démosthène as well as the Giant Steps School, Resource and Training Center. The Honourable…


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 14, 2015, at 7:00pm The postponed Regular Meeting of the HCGM Board of Directors will be held at the HCGM Head Office, “Mikri Vouli” Room, 5777 avenue Wilderton. The meeting is open to the public and the media. Sunday, July 19, 2015, at 10:30am On the occasion of the 41st anniversary of the…