A Message from the President – February 2015
I write this message during my trip to Greece, a significant part of which is devoted to establishing contacts with the new Government, in an effort to inform them of the issues of concern to the HCGM, and to learn of the position of the country’s new political leadership towards the Greeks of the diaspora as a whole.
I was particularly pleased to learn of the great success of the 2015 «RBC Taste and Tradition” event, which raised over $60,000 to benefit our schools through the HCGM Fundraising Committee. I extend my warmest congratulations to all the participating associations and organisations and to the members of the Organising Committee. To the sponsors, to the people who attended and, above all, to the close to 150 volunteers, I express our sincere gratitude for their invaluable assistance in making this event a reality.
I also take this opportunity to thank the Montreal AHEPA Family for its initiative to provide modern technological equipment to our “Socrates-Démosthène” School, through the proceeds of its 16th annual Valentine’s Ball to be held at the Palace Reception Hall on February 14, 2015.
Every initiative which aims to support our schools is particularly significant because it contributes to maintaining the high quality of education, to keeping the tuition fees as low as possible and, most certainly, to preserving our language, our traditions and our religion. The quality of knowledge our children acquire from their teachers at the ‘Socrates-Démosthène” School was evident during the students’ recent visit to the Pointe-à-Callière Museum for the viewing of “The Greeks: Agamemnon to Alexander the Great” exhibition, which will be on display for another two months. As described by Ms. Matrona Mavrakis, “Démosthène” Campus Principal, in this month’s Newsletter, our students showed excellent knowledge of Greek history and mythology.
With a sense of excitement and confidence that our proud youth hold the key to the future of Hellenism, I call upon you to support our Community’s efforts.
Nicholas T. Pagonis