
Magic Mission Luncheon

On Sunday, April 30, 2017, the M.A.G.I.C. Mission held its annual luncheon and fundraiser at the Hellenic Community Centre, Adrian-Maris in the presence of the Honourable Mr. Nicolas Sigalas, Consul General of Greece in Montreal. More than 750 people attended the event, supporting with their presence and donations this worthwhile effort. M.A.G.I.C. Mission is an…


Children First. We Can.

Dear Friends, We are thrilled to announce the second edition of Children First. We Can., on May 11th, 2017 benefitting two great organisations: the Giant Steps School of Montreal and l’École Socrates-Démosthène. We are proud to support these two great schools that go above and beyond in offering quality educational services to their respective communities….


HCGM Socrates-Démosthène school in Boston (pics & vid)

FROM STE-CATHERINE TO JEAN-TALON TO BOYLSTON in BOSTON Socrates-Démosthène enters history – Again! On Sunday, April 30th, 2017, representing the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal and Canadian-Greeks in general, École Socrates-Démosthène proudly participated for the first time in the Boston Greek Independence Day Parade, formally known as the parade of the “Federation of Hellenic-American Societies…


HCGM Fundraising Committee-LOTTERY 2017

The Fundraising Committee of Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal is once again organising their annual Lottery. The draw will take place on May 28th 2017, at 1:00pm at the Hellenic Community Centre Adrian Maris. and each dollar collected will be used for the needs of our schools. Support our schools and you may win prizes…


Health Tourism in Greece – HCGM Agreement

On Monday, May 1st, 2017, an agreement was signed between the Health Tourism organisation of Greece and the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal, following the commitment made on March 27-28, during a two day convention, which was held at the Hellenic Community Centre Adrian-Maris. The attendees were Dr. George Patoulis who is President of the…


New St. George pedestrian bridge construction begins

Construction of the new bridge officially begins Tuesday, with construction set to be completed by July 2017. On Tuesday May 2nd, 2017, at the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal Head Office, the contract was signed between the General Contractor and the HCGM. Parishioners can attend this Sunday’s Liturgy which will be the last one open…


Η Συντονίστρια Εκπαίδευσης του Καναδά, στο σχολείο “Αγιος Νικόλαος”


Το Σάββατο, 29 Απριλίου 2017, επισκέφτηκαν το δημοτικό σχολείο ” Άγιος Νικόλαος” της ΕΚΜΜ η Συντονίστρια Εκπαίδευσης του Καναδά, Μαρία Λυχνάκη συνοδευόμενη από τον Υπεύθυνο Παιδείας της Μητρόπολης, κύριο Σπύρο Βολονάκη. Η Κα. Λυχνάκη μίλησε στους μαθητές και τους γονείς και τους εξήγησε πόσο σημαντικό είναι να πηγαίνουν τα παιδιά στο ελληνικό σχολείο και να μαθαίνουν…


Children First. We Can.

Dear Friends, We are thrilled to announce the second edition of Children First. We Can., on May 11th, 2017 benefitting two great organisations: the Giant Steps School of Montreal and l’École Socrates-Démosthène. We are proud to support these two great schools that go above and beyond in offering quality educational services to their respective communities….