
2018 Annual General Meeting

To ALL Members of the Community You are requested to attend the following Annual Community General Meeting on Monday, November 26, 2018, 6:00 p.m. at the Hellenic Community Centre “Adrian Maris”, 5757 avenue Wilderton, Montreal. AGENDA: ANNUAL COMMUNITY GENERAL MEETING (No 06/2016-2019, at 6:00 p.m.) 1. Meeting called to order 2. Declaration of quorum 3….


Message from the President – October 2018

Dear friends, The last week of October marks the anniversaries of “OXI” Day, on the 28th, as well as Thessaloniki’s liberation from the Ottomans, on the 26th. Both anniversaries are days of remembrance and honour to the heroes who wrote momentous pages of Greek history, struggling with self-sacrifice, to preserve the supreme ideals of freedom,…


Magic Mission’s Luncheon of Love and Solidarity

Dear friends of Magic Mission, Once more the time has come for the volunteer workers of Magic Mission to appeal to our supporters to declare via their presence that they steadfastly continue their solidarity for our work in support of needy children in our homeland. On Sunday, 11 November at 1:00 p.m., we shall be…


Dealing With an Elderly Loved One Who Has Alzheimer’s

Commentary and advice by Eleni Fakotakis, Director of SSHQ Before I really understood Alzheimer’s, I used to think that it could probably be a good way to go when one’s time came. Afterall, one would not remember anything, therefore, it must be easy to let go, no grudges, no memory, total oblivion and perhaps, even…


Inauguration of Washroom Renovations at Démosthène Campus

The inauguration of the newly renovated washrooms was held on Thursday, October 11, 2018, at Démosthène campus. The cost of this major project was over $140,000 which was graciously paid through the various events organized by the Fundraising Committee along with the fundraising efforts of Démosthène campus Parents Committee. HCGM President Nicholas Pagonis, Secretary of…


Meeting the new Canadian Ambassador to Greece, Mark Allen

The new Canadian Ambassador to Greece Mark Allen attended the meet and greet organized by Consul General of Greece in Montreal Michalis Gavriilidis and HCGM President Nicholas T. Pagonis, a few days before assuming his post in Athens. The Canadian Ambassador stressed his personal and diplomatic ties with Greece in his speech and underlined that…


It’s crunch time…it’s do or…

Greetings everyone, It’s crunch time…it’s do or… A lot has been said and heard the last few weeks on the airwaves, in the papers, on social media and in coffee shops on what the HCGM should do to secure its future…everything from selling every Community asset that is currently being used by numerous users, including…


Message from the President – September 2018

Dear friends, It is with immense pride that we announce the beginning of a new era for our Community. The opportunity to be, for the first time in generations, debt free. Free from the heavy obligation to disburse close to $800,000 a year for servicing of the debt. On Monday, September 17, 2018, during a…