It’s crunch time…it’s do or…
Greetings everyone,
It’s crunch time…it’s do or… A lot has been said and heard the last few weeks on the airwaves, in the papers, on social media and in coffee shops on what the HCGM should do to secure its future…everything from selling every Community asset that is currently being used by numerous users, including its various schools, churches and community centers, to knocking down the hotel and building a multi-million dollar museum…
The truth of the matter is very straightforward. The Community is asset heavy and cash poor. The HCGM’s auditors and financial institutions have all come to same conclusion. The Community can no longer continue to maintain all its assets and services because there simply isn’t enough money to do so. Why? Because over the last 40 years the HCGM has either built or purchased most of its real estate, that for the most part required mortgages and funding, yet fund-raising efforts have fallen short. To further complicate matters these assets have now aged and the funds required to maintain them are simply not available.
After doing its due diligence, after doing its homework, after consulting numerous experts in the field and real-estate agencies, after reviewing, debating and analyzing all the possibilities, the HCGM has decided that there is truly and realistically only one option to overcome this financial situation and in securing a solid future for generations to come. Only one option without sacrificing its mission and mandate which is to provide religious, educational, social and cultural services to its members and the population of Greek origin in general. Only one option to finally begin the process of building the Educational and Cultural Center, Laval Greeks deserve and should have had already.
The acceptance of an outstanding offer to sell off the only unused and unavailable Community property for another 35 years IS THE ONLY OPTION. And there is only one way to sell this property and preserve and maintain all our other assets and services – BY VOTING “YES” AT THE UPCOMING GENERAL ASSEMBLY. It is imperative that your voice be heard through your vote. Everyone must attend the General Assembly. Inform your family, colleagues and friends. If you are not a member of the HCGM, become one.
On Sunday afternoon, in the Hall of Holy Cross Church, history will be made. When you raise your voting card, you will be instantly deciding the future of our schools and the Community. Make your vote count. Use this glorious opportunity to ensure that Hellenism survives here in Quebec without the struggles and frustrations we have had all these years as we expanded. Finally, the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal will be able to serve its students, its youth, its seniors, its members and all its stakeholders, like they deserve to be served.
Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal
Holy Cross Church Hall
4865 du Souvenir, Laval
Refreshments and supervised daycare services offered at no charge
For more information
Write to : [email protected]
Or call: 514-738-2421 ext. 231
On October 14 vote YES!