New: Town Hall Meetings
The Executive Committee on July 25, 2019, decided that starting in the Fall, there will be regular quarterly Town Hall Meetings where all Members will be invited to be briefed by the Board of Directors on decisions and issues of interest and who will take questions and exchange on such issues. There will also be regular quarterly Press Conferences for the Media where they could come and ask their questions to the Board Members.
The changes decided by the Executive Committee are a careful balance that will maximize the dissemination of information to more HCGM Members and the Media about Board of Directors decisions and key issues that the Community faces; and will improve the functionality and effectiveness of the Board of Directors.
This will be the first time that regularly scheduled meetings will be held so that Members will have exclusive time dedicated by the Board to answering their questions and hearing their opinions on a variety of subjects, something that is very limited at General Assemblies.
In addition, regular, quarterly Press Conferences will be initiated and open to all the press and media.
The Executive Committee also decided that henceforth all Board of Directors Meetings will be limited to BOD members since the open meetings have not and do not provide the proper forum for Members of the HCGM to exchange ideas with the Board. However, all decisions of the BoD will continue to be made public on a regular and timely basis. The Community will continue to put out all relevant information on Social Media in order to reach the Greeks in Greater Montreal who do not follow the Greek Media. The President and Executive Committee members will make themselves available for interviews.
We firmly believe that the new forum we are presenting – Town Hall Meetings will give the opportunity to a greater number of members of the HCGM to participate, to get involved and allow for a more open and enhanced exchange of ideas and opinions which we believe is the cornerstone of a healthy, vibrant community organization.
We look forward to holding our first Town Hall Meeting this fall and are certain that great things will come from such exchanges. We will be communicating with you in the near future with details for the Town Hall Meetings.