Thank You Message from the President

I cannot thank all the volunteers, employees and BOD members enough for all the tireless work they put, and all the sponsors for their generosity and support into making our Greek Summer Festival La flamme hellénique a tremendous success. Because of your best efforts, your kindness, and the extraordinary teamwork we were able to offer to the public a well-organized four-day event, with music, dancing, mouthwatering μεζέδες, and the unique Greek κέφι.
The Greek Summer Festival La flamme hellénique is a popular tradition, not only of the Hellenes of Park Extension but for everyone around the Greater Montreal Area, including our friendly neighbours of other ethnicities. I am very proud of you for keeping this tradition alive. The amount of positive feedback we got underlines the fantastic work you did keeping up to its wide popularity.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all the participants who came and spend some quality time with their families and friends at the festival.
Annie Koutrakis
HCGM President