
An Important Message from Dr. Christos Karatzios

March 14, 2020 The Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal and École Socrates-Démosthène have had an effective pandemic plan in place for quite some time. There has been a ready and operational pandemic plan since the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. This has been way ahead of many other schools in Quebec. I helped create the initial…


All March 25th Celebrations Are Cancelled

The Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal would like to inform you that it is following the evolution of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) with various public health agencies very closely. Our goal is that all our employees, volunteers, students, members and their families remain healthy, enabling us to continue to offer our services to the greatest extent possible…


We Stand With Greece!

Over the last week, our motherland, Greece, has been the target of an unparalleled threat. Thousands of people, under the guise of refugees, are attempting to illegally enter Greece across its borders with Turkey. Rather than deterring them, Turkey provides help and guidance as to how to cross. For more than 5 years, Turkey has…


Άξιοι! Οι Ιερείς μας εκλέχθηκαν Επίσκοποι

Οι καμπάνες στους Ι. Ναούς της ΕΚΜΜ ήχησαν χαρμόσυνα. Συγχαρητήρια στους Ιερείς μας π. Δημήτριο Αντωνόπουλο και π. Νεκτάριο Μοστράτο για την εκλογή τους ως Βοηθοί Επίσκοποι της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Καναδά, με το αξίωμα των Επισκόπων Ζηνουπόλεως και Κεράμων, αντίστοιχα. Η εκλογή τους έγινε από την Ιερά Σύνοδο του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου, υπό την Προεδρία του…


Telemarathon 2020 Gala is a Huge Success

The fourth edition of the Telemarathon, organized by the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal (HCGM) Fundraising Committee (FRC), completed its first full day of recording on Saturday, January 25, with an unprecedented Fundraising Gala in the evening, spearheaded by Fundraising Committee Honorary President, Dr. George Tsoukas. The Gala is the new, fourth pillar of the…


The HCGM Creates Funding Program to Help Families Affected by SEF Cuts

January 30, 2020 On December 17th, 2019 a meeting was held between Christos Sirros the President of the Socrates Education Foundation and the HCGM President, Andreas Crilis, Voula Neofotistos, Vice President – Secretary of Education and Constance Karvelas Executive Vice President and Secretary of Marketing. The meeting was requested by Mr. Sirros to explore the…


The HCGM was invited to participate in this year’s Pre-Budget Consultations

On Wednesday, January 22th, the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal was invited to participate again in this year’s Pre-Budget Consultations for 2020- 2021 with Quebec’s Finance Minister, Éric Girard Cabinet. During this private consultation, the President, Mr. Andreas Crilis, the Director of Real-Estate and Procurement, Mr. Achilea Nikopoulos and the Director-General of École Socrates-Démosthène, Mr….


Auditions! Be a Part of the 4th Annual HCGM TeleMarathon

Calling all singers, dancers, musicians! Are you a talented student or past graduate of an HCGM school? SHOWCASE YOUR TALENT CANADA WIDE!Audition for our 4th annual TeleMarathonSaturday, January 18, 12 pm – 4 pm Hellenic Community Center “Adrian Maris” If you are or know a talented student or past graduate of Socrates-Démosthène, Platon Omeros, St….