
HCGM Special General Meeting

On April 23rd 2017, a Special General Meeting of the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal, held at the Hellenic Community Centre Adrian-Maris. The Meeting was called according to the HCGM Bylaws, regarding the Approval of St. George pedestrian bridge project, approval of Montreal Community Centre Banquet Facilities roof replacement project and the election of the Audit Committee. A quorum was declared at 2:25 p.m. and the Meeting started. Achilles Nikopoulos, Secretary of Real Estate and Procurement made the presentations which were extremely detailed and he answered all questions posed by members of the Community.  Both projects received the majority of the votes.

Seven people posed their candidacy for the five seats of the HCGM Audit Committee.  The present members of the HCGM elected the following:

Demetrios Lekas, John Vlahos, Maria Varvarikos, Kyriakos Polymenakos and Pantelis Stefanidis.

These people will review the adequacy and effectiveness of the Community’s internal controls and procedures, including internal controls over the accounting and financial reporting systems.

President Pagonis stated “we need everyone to contribute for the funding of St. George project” followed by “the Church belongs to all of us and has to be supported by all of us”.

The Meeting finished at 5:00 p.m.