Children First. We Can!
Dear Friends,
We are thrilled to announce the second edition of Children First. We Can., on May 11th, 2017 benefiting two great organisations: the Giant Steps School of Montreal and l’École Socrates-Démosthène.
We are proud to support these two great schools that go above and beyond in offering quality educational services to their respective communities.
Giant Steps School is the only educational institution in Quebec focused exclusively on students aged 4 to 21 years diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
L’École Socrates-Démosthène is a highly respected trilingual educational institution, founded in 1909 by the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal.
Hundreds of members of the Montreal business community will gather at this event to show their support and care for children. Several special guests will be present and Senator Leo Housakos will be our keynote speaker.
Your participation in this event will help ensure that these two institutions can offer exceptional services to their students.
We look forward to seeing you on May 11th.
–Tony Loffreda and Leo Housakos