The sooner that children with special needs (such as Autism and other intellectual or physical challenges) are assessed and helped appropriately, the better the chances of achieving an ultimate functioning level.
If your infant does not make eye contact with you, if your child prefers to keep to themselves as opposed to communicating with other children, this may be a sign that your child needs some extra special care. You should discuss this with your doctor as soon as possible. You will also need to open a dossier with your neighborhood CLSC in order to get the assistance you and your child need, as soon as possible and to help with follow-up. If you would like to join a support group for parents, or need to speak about your child’s challenges and feel they are not being adequately helped by the existing services, do not hesitate to call and make an appointment with us, we would like to advocate on behalf of your concerns and to help you access the services you need more efficiently.