Scouts Canada is the country’s leading youth organisation. For more than 100 years, we have brought a world of adventure, outdoor experience and friendship to 17 million Canadian youth.

Scouts have a lot of fun discovering new things and experiences they wouldn’t have elsewhere. Along the way they develop into capable, confident and well-rounded individuals, better prepared for success in the world.

Scouting offers a world where you can discover the best in yourself and the best in others. Dollar for dollar, our programs provide significant value. They run all year round and offer adventures that youth will remember for a lifetime!


Scouting is based on three broad Principles which represent its fundamental beliefs. These include:
  • Duty to God: Defined as, The responsibility to adhere to spiritual principles, and thus to the religion that expresses them, and to accept the duties therefrom.
  • Duty to Others: Defined as, The responsibility to one’s local, national and global community members to promote peace, understanding and cooperation, through participation in the development of society, respect for the dignity of one’s fellow-beings, and protection of the integrity of the natural world.
  • Duty to Self: Defined as, The responsibility for the development of oneself to one’s full potential physically, intellectually, spiritually and socially.

The Scout Promise

On my honour I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen (or to God and my Country)
To help other people at all times;
To obey the Scout Law.

The Scout Law

1. A Scout’s honour is to be trusted.
2. A Scout is loyal.
3. A Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others.
4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout.
5. A Scout is courteous.
6. A Scout is a friend to animals.
7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster without question.
8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
9. A Scout is thrifty.
10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

Scouts Canada History

Scouting began in 1907 when Lt. Gen. Robert Baden-Powell took a group of youth to a camp on Brownsea Island in the United Kingdom. There is evidence that a few Scouting groups started up in Canada in 1907. The Canadian General Council of the Boy Scout Association was incorporated by an act of the Canadian Parliament on June 12, 1914. In 2007, our Centennial Year, our name was officially changed by an act of Parliament to Scouts Canada.
Today, Scouts Canada is a highly diverse organisation with over 100,000 members nationwide representing every faith and culture. Scouts Canada offers programming in more than 19 languages reflecting Canada’s multicultural landscape and communities.